Privacy Policy
Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalised terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meaning as given to them in the Membership Term and Conditions (as applicable).
Your personal information (such as your name and contact details) is stored securely by Buzz Channel.
Selected employees of Buzz Channel are the only people who can access your personal details including name, and contact details.
If you choose to join a Fundraising Group, you acknowledge that the Group Administrator of that Group will be able to see your email address and how much you have earned for the Group.
Buzz Channel clients only see information you provide in an aggregated form. Your personal details cannot be identified.
Buzz Channel will only provide your details to a third party if compelled to do so in accordance with the law.
You will not receive promotional or advertising material from Buzz Channel unless we have specifically asked for and you have given your permission first.
You may view your details by logging on to You must update your details as your circumstances change.
Please email Buzz Channel at haveyoursay if you do not wish to receive further communication. Our postal address is Buzz Channel Limited, P.O. Box 106 741, Auckland City 1143